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Perfectnist ♥
Saturday, 12 October 2013 | 0 Comment |
Assalamualaikum and good morning. So now I want to discuss about PERFECT. 

Yes. Being perfect is a dream of one's existence in this world. Everyone in mother Earth want to be perfect. Especially in front of someone who we love. Including me.

So yes ! I admit it that I always want to be perfect in front of everybody especially my truly love,Akhmal.

Hmm.. I know. Nobody is perfect. Everyone has flaws. Everyone makes mistakes. And everyone has bad days. Some people just need to figure that out. They think that they are so perfect that they are better than anyone else. They have to make sure that they have the perfect hair style, Clothes; The perfect skin complexion, the perfect friends, the perfect parents and so on and so on. This essay will show that it is okay not being perfect. Because deep down inside... We are all alike.

If I can begin with talking about kids shows, then I am writing the right essay. Whenever I think about perfectness I think about two things: Spongebob and The Hannah Montana song 'Nobody`s Perfect.' I`ll start out by talking about Spongebob and what he has to do with this. The episode where He becomes 'normal' is a perfect example. He goes from being his cool, unique self and turns himself into what everyone down in bikini bottom say 'A freak.' Not that some people thought that before. But this time was worse. He turned out from being a sponge!!! By the end of that episode, Spongebob found out that it is okay being weird. Because you know what!? Being weird is normal. Being yourself is normal and just accepting that and taking it in stride will make you a better person.

Now to the Hannah Montana Song. ' Nobody`s perfect I gotta work it, Again and Again 'Till I get it right. Nobody`s Perfect you live and you learn it And if I mess it up sometimes Nobody`s perfect.' That right there is the key that every little girl should know. Nobody is perfect. The models that they will see are just Anorexic little liars. They are fine just the way that they are and they need to accept it. Hey even older people like myself or even you Ms. Peterson, should listen to it accept it. Because the people like celebrities for example are not perfect at all. They have people do everything they want. That is why I like this song. It talks about being different and accepting it. Of how if you don`t get something, you should not give up. Just try and try until you get it. 

That's are some example on what is being around and around in deep of my brain. So. Lately I'm kept thinking "Am I can be perfect for Akhmal?" "Am I perfect enough for him?" "Do I have to leave him?" The questions kept playing in my mind. But ? I even can't give the truth answer. Hmmm. 1 thing I can said. 

Akhmal. I am sorry for being not perfect for you. I am sorry if I can't be like you want. But. I really hope,with my imperfectness, you still got the feeling to be serious with me. That's my only hope from you.

 So. I think that's enough for now. I have to go to bed. Thanks for reading. Bye :')

  Much Love Natasya Nasir

Thanks for reading :)

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